Opportunity Announcements
The ABB has paused posting job announcements on our website. To get the most up-to-date job announcements which have been shared with the ABB, please become a member. You will be added to our weekly mailing list which includes opportunity announcements. If you are a member and are not receiving the newsletter, please update your email address with us at membership@arizonablackbar.org.
If your organization has a job announcement you would like to send to the Arizona Black Bar, please contact us at: ABB@arizonablackbar.org
Judicial Selection Advisory Board Vacancies
Generally, Judicial Selection Advisory Boards interview judicial candidates and make recommendations to the council as to which candidates shall be further interviewed for judicial positions. The cities of Mesa and Surprise are looking to fill vacancies on these crucial boards.
“The City of Surprise will have a vacancy on its Judicial Selection Advisory Commission that requires an applicant who is an attorney and member of the Maricopa County Bar Association. Candidates do not need to be a resident of Surprise. The MCBA Board of Directors will recommend three candidates and Surprise Mayor Skip Hall will make the appointment. Please submit a letter of interest outlining your qualifications to serve and a resume with references to bsheehan@maricopabar.org by May 17, 2021.”
“The [Mesa] Judicial Advisory Board recommends to City Council the best qualified person to become City magistrates, evaluates the performance of appointed magistrates, and advises on retention. Currently seeking applicants for community representatives.”
“The Judicial Advisory Board recommends to the City Council the best qualified persons to become City Magistrate, and evaluates the performance of and advises regarding the retention of current appointed magistrates.”
2 upcoming openings for Public Member (new term expiring 07/17/2024)
2 upcoming openings for State Bar of Arizona Member (new terms expiring 07/17/2024)